Generation 0


ID Edn Gen Slant L1 L2 Links Text & Notes Translation
Q? Aland et al. 1993 0 ? S Q does not mention Peter, and contains no obviously Petrine traditions, but cf. Q17.3-4||Matt 18.21-22; Q22.28-30||Matt 19.27-29
Galatians (?ca. 49) Aland et al. 1993 0 O A R/S Pages 108-11 Gal 1:18; 2:9, 11, 14
1 Corinthians (ca. 55) Aland et al. 1993 0 O A R Pages 158-60 1 Cor 1:12; 3:22-4:1; 9:5; 15:5
Romans (ca. 57) Aland et al. 1993 0 O R Pages 157-58 Possible Allusions: [1.13; 6.17; 14.1-5, 13-15.3, 8 (conciliatory allusion to Antioch?); 15.20 (cf. Gal 2.9?)
Mark, Gospel of (?ca. 65) Aland et al. 1993 0 O R Pages 147-57 Mark 1:16-18; 1:29-31, 36; 3:16; 5:37; 8:29–33; 9:2–5; 10:28; 11:21; 13:3; 14:29–72; 16:7–8
Seneca (c.1-65) Basore 1928 (LCL) 0 P R RP, p.131 Consolatio ad Marciam 20.3: video istic cruces ne unius quidem generis sed aliter ab aliis fabricatas: capite quidam conversos in terram suspendere Consolation to Marcia 20.3: Yonder I see instruments of torture, not indeed of a single kind, but differently contrived by different peoples; some hand their victims with the head toward the ground (Basore, LCL)
Petronius (d. 66) Ernout 1922 0 P R Page 118
Cf. RP, p. 131
Ill omen of the invisible cock (Sat. 74.1-4): Haec dicente eo gallus gallinaceus cantavit. Qua voce confusus Trimalchio vinum sub mensa iussit effundi lucernamque etiam mero spargi. Immo anulum traiecit in dexteram manum et: “Non sine causa, inquit, hic bucinus signum dedit; nam aut incendium oportet fiat, aut aliquis in vicinia animam abiciat. Longe a nobis! Itaque quisquis hunc indicem attulerit, corollarium accipiet.” Dicto citius de vicinia gallus allatus est, quem Trimalchio iussit ut aeno coctus fieret. Laceratus igitur ab illo doctissimo coco, qui paulo ante de porco aves piscesque fecerat, in caccabum est coniectus. Dumque Daedalus potionem ferventissimam haurit, Fortunata mola buxea piper trivit.

Mock-burial anointing with nard (Sat. 77.7-78.4): “Sic amicus vester, qui fuit rana, nunc est rex. Interim, Stiche, profer vitalia, in quibus volo me efferri. Profer et unguentum et ex illa amphora gustum, ex qua iubeo lavari ossa mea.” (78) Non est moratus Stichus, sed et stragulam albam et praetextam in triclinium attulit. <Vitalia Trimalchio accepit> iussitque nos temptare, an bonis lanis essent confecta. Tum subridens: “Vide tu, inquit, Stiche, ne ista mures tangant aut tineae; alioquin te vivum conburam. Ego gloriosus volo efferri, ut totus mihi populus bene imprecetur.” Statim ampullam nardi aperuit omnesque nos unxit et: “Spero, inquit, futurum ut aeque me mortuum iuvet tanquam vivum.” Nam vinum quidem in vinarium iussit infundi et: “Putate vos, ait, ad parentalia mea invitatos esse” .

(Sat. 74.1-4) Just as he uttered these words, a cock crew. Trimalchio, much disquieted at the circumstance, ordered wine to be poured under the table, and some even to be sprinkled over the lamp; moreover he shifted a ring from his left hand to his right, saying, “‘Tis not for nothing chanticleer has sounded his note of warning; a fire is bound to happen, or some one’s going to die in the vicinity. Save us from ill! Anyone bringing me yonder prophet of evil, shall have a present for his pains.” No sooner said than done; a cock was instantly produced from somewhere near, which Trimalchio ordered to be killed and put in the pot to boil. He was cut up accordingly by the same clever cordon bleu who a while before had manufactured game and fish out of a pig, and thrown into a stew-pan. Then whilst Daedalus kept the pot boiling, Fortunata ground pepper in a box-wood mill.


(Sat. 77.7-78.4) “So your humble servant, who was a toad once upon a time, is a king now. Meantime, Stichus, just bring out the graveclothes I propose to be buried in; also the unguent, and a taste of the wine I wish to have my bones washed with.” (78) Without a moment’s delay, Stichus produced a white shroud and a magistrate’s gown into the dining-hall, and asked us to feel if they were made of good wool. Then his master added with a laugh, “Mind, Stichus, mice and moth don’t get at them; else I’ll have you burned alive. I wish to be buried in all my bravery, that the whole people may call down the blessings on my head.” Immediately afterwards he opened a pot of spikenard, and after rubbing us all with the ointment, “I only hope,” said he, “it will give me as much pleasure when I’m dead as it does now when I’m alive.” Further he ordered the wine vessels to be filled up, telling us to “imagine you are invited guests at my funeral feast.” (Allinson 1930).

*1 Peter (?ca. 68) Aland et al. 1993 0 O R Pages  46-48, 142-47 1 Peter 1:1
*Matthew, Gospel of (?ca. 70-80) Aland et al. 1993 0 O S R Pages 83-105 Matt 4:18; 8:14; 10:2; 14:28–29; 15:15; 16:16–23; 17:1–4, 24-27; 18:21; 19:27; 26:33–75
John, Gospel of (?ca. 70-90) Aland et al. 1993 0? O S R/A Pages 74-83 John 1:40–44; 6:8, 68; 13:6–10, 24–38; 18:10–11, 15–27; 20:2–10; 21:2-22